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[荷式文化 Dutch culture]
(警告: 以下內容充滿不雅之詞)
(warning: the following content is not suitable for children)
最近兩位版主都為了論文傷腦傷神傷心,為了配合一下這樣的氣氛(憤),今天荷事生非決定要 "口出惡言" - 與大家分享一下荷蘭非常獨特的髒話文化! 希望大家不要太介意接下來的 "18 禁" 內容才好。
比起在中文和英文世界裡動不動就請出爹娘老師,或是使用性暴力、性器官字眼來咒罵他人或事物,荷蘭髒話裡最受歡迎也最 powerfu l的就屬 "疾病" ㄧ系列。荷蘭人習慣用詛咒對方得到這個疾病或是利用 "疾病" 來嘲笑他人以達到情緒抒發之目的。(當然,荷蘭髒話不只有疾病而已)
疾病髒話中,冠軍絕對是屬於 "kanker" 一詞 (發音: 康客er)!其實它就是癌症 (cancer) 的意思。它的髒話功能與重要性在中文裡可以用 "幹" ㄧ字來做對應。kanker 的使用方式非常彈性,只要在 kanker 後加上隨便你想加的受詞 ( 例:+SPSS=kankerspss),你就成功的咒罵了總能整死人也讓人上天堂的 SPSS 統計軟體。
除此之外,像癌症的關鍵角色 "腫瘤" 當然也在荷蘭髒話界裡也有一席地位: "hoofdtumor" (發音: 侯夫特東門) ,意為腦腫瘤也是抒發氣憤的經常選擇。另外像是古早的重大疾病:梅毒 "typhilis"、天花 "pokke"、肺結核 "tering"也都算是"受歡迎"的用詞們,畢竟髒話絕對是大眾文化,而文化不是一天兩天的事情。
好了我怕在打下去我們幾位荷蘭的朋友要驚慌失措了,大家若有興趣,可以在維基上搜索 "Dutch profanity",那裡有一個世界。
Recent weeks both the bloggers of Oranje Express are suffering from a overload of studying. In order to celebrate such a wonderful time, we decide to swear...sorry, to introduce the one and only Dutch swearing culture to you.
Of course Dutch people swear. But different than other language, the words often used in Dutch profanity are based around various names for diseases. In many cases, these words have evolved into slang. This does not mean they don't have an array of other dirty swear words like the ones emerging in your mind now. But using names for disease is very in common and also unique in a way.
Above all, the word "kanker" is the king in Dutch swearing. It exactly means cancer. It is almost equally used as the word "fuck" in English. Additionally, tumor is also often used for cursing, "hoofdtumor" for example, which means brain tumor. Others like old century diseases: smallpox "pokke", Tuberculosis "tering", or Syphilis "typhilis" are also often used in Dutch swearing.
So next time you heard people saying those words with an angry face. You know what they mean now. Well... theoretical speaking.
Good Links 新增 TiasNimbas Student Association (TNSA) 2010-2011 輝煌的活動影片紀錄 ~
- Mar 17 Sat 2012 00:35
學海無涯 ~ 荷蘭髒話