
今天到 NTIO 辦戶籍謄本認證,順便領取 MVV,心情安了一大半。之前看別人的經驗通常都是以「月」為單位的等待時間,但是我真的很幸運,從學校通知送件 IND(荷蘭司法部移民局)到核准通知,其實才一週的時間,一整個神奇!我對它們這一次的效率的確印象深刻到不可思議!但是我的同學就沒有這麼幸運,也有聽到快一個月了也沒消沒息。

MVV (Machtiging Voorlopig Verblijf ) for temporary stay entry visa,以往效期只有 3 個月,但今年開始變成 6 個月囉!所以在這 6 個月之內,就可以憑此 MVV 出入申根國家。入境荷蘭之後,要馬上去申請居留證(Residence Permit),這樣才可以在荷蘭合法停留超過180 天。

拿到 MVV 當下的注意事項,請檢查(根據 NTIO 提供的文件):

Your visa is valid for the Netherlands
l    It is valid from the date you plan to arrive in the Netherlands
l    It is valid for up to 180 days after its commencement date
l    It is type D
l    The “number of entries” field states “MULT”, standing for “multiple”
l    The “duration of stay” field states “xxx”. As soon as you enter the Netherlands, you must apply for a residence permit, which will be issued for a specific duration
l     It gives your passport number correctly in the “passport number” filed
l     Your name is spelled correctly (it must be spelled in the same way as in your passport)
à 名字兩個字中間不用加 “-” (dash)


MVV 到手後,機票也就可以安心開票囉


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